Legal disclaimer and privacy policy


In accordance with article 10 of Spanish Law 34/2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we hereby inform you of the following information: The website [] is owned by CIRIEC ESPAÑA with Tax Number G-78358272 with an address at Avda. Tarongers, Facultat d'Economia, despacho 2P21, 46022 Valencia [hereinafter the Data Controller Responsible] If you wish to contact us you can do so:

  1. either by post, at the address indicated above,
  2. or via the contact page on our website.


The structure, design and form of presentation of the elements (graphics, images, files, logos, colour combinations and any other element susceptible of protection) are protected by intellectual property rights, owned by the Data Controller Responsible. The reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, making available to the public and, in general, any other form of exploitation, partial or total, of the elements referred to in the previous section are prohibited. These acts of exploitation may only be carried out with the express authorisation of the Data Controller Responsible and, in any case, must make explicit reference to the ownership of the aforementioned intellectual property rights of the Data Controller Responsible. Only the private use of the documentary material produced by the Data Controller Responsible is authorised. Unless expressly authorised by the Data Controller Responsible, links to "end pages", "frames" and any other similar manipulation are not permitted. Links must always be addressed to the home page [].


As Data Controller Responsible, we are particularly sensitive to the protection of the data of the USERS of the services accessed through our website and those obtained for the provision of our services. By means of this Privacy Policy (hereinafter, the Policy) we inform the USERS of the website: [] of the treatment and uses to which the personal data processed by our entity are subject, so they may decide, freely and voluntarily, whether they wish to provide the information requested. In relation to the provision of the services offered by us:

  • We process the information provided to us by interested parties in order to be able to offer you products and services in accordance with your interests.
  • The personal data provided by the user will be kept indefinitely in order to offer you at any time the best service provision as long as they are not cancelled by the interested party or legal representative to us at the address indicated above.
  • The legal basis for the processing of your data is the participation in the activities carried out by our organisation, subscription to periodical publications, management of articles, evaluation of articles.
  • The data you provide will not be communicated to third parties, unless legally obligation.
  • You may exercise your right to information:
    • Any person has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not we are processing personal data concerning them.
    • Individuals have the right to access their personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, to request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.
    • Under certain circumstances, data subjects may request the limitation of the processing of their data, in which case we will only keep it for the exercise or defence of claims.
    • In certain circumstances and for reasons related to their particular situation, data subjects may object to the processing of their data, in which case we will no longer process the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or for the exercise or defence of any claims.
  • The personal data that we process in our entity comes from the interested party or their legal representative.

We reserve the right to modify this Policy in order to adapt it to new legislation, jurisprudential criteria, industry practices, or the interests of the entity. Any modification to it will be announced with due notice, so that you are fully aware of its content. Certain services provided on the portal may contain specific conditions with provisions on the protection of Personal Data. You can find out about them in the corresponding sections.


The data collected by the different means mentioned in the previous section will be incorporated into files of which we are the owners.


The purpose of the collection and processing of personal data is the management, provision and personalisation of the services and contents of the same that the USER uses and of which information will be provided in each section.


The data collected through the website will only be transferred in those cases in which the USER is expressly informed of this.


In order that the data in our databases always correspond to your real situation, you must keep them up to date, either by updating them yourself directly in those cases where this is possible or by notifying the corresponding department. Both the data you have provided us with via the web and the data you provide us with in order for us to provide you with any of our services.


As Data Controller Responsible, we have adopted the legally required technical and organisational measures in our information system in order to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data stored, thus avoiding, as far as possible, their alteration, loss, unauthorised processing or access.


In any case, you may access your data, rectify them, cancel them and, where appropriate, oppose their processing, by sending a request accompanied by a photocopy of your ID card, to the following postal address: Avda, Tarongers, Facultat d'Economia, despacho 2P21, 46022 Valencia. In any case, the user will be able to complain to the Control Authority, on the website


We shall not be liable:

  • In general, with regard to the improper use of the websites owned by us.Users must make appropriate use of the website [] in accordance with the above terms and conditions, and the Data Controller Responsible shall not be held liable for any improper use.
  • With regard to the fraudulent use of the User Name and Password, in the event that they are incorporated into our website, we are exonerated from any liability for the fraudulent use of these keys by the owner or by a third party.
  • Regarding possible technical deficiencies. The Data Controller Responsible shall not be liable in any case for any alterations in the service caused by failures in the electrical network, in the data connection network, in the server or in any other services.
  • With regard to access by third parties to its system, it shall adopt the necessary technical precautions in order to protect the data and information accessed, but shall not be liable for actions by third parties who, in breach of the established security measures, access the aforementioned data.


The present conditions and terms shall be governed by the statutory and regulatory rules and by Spanish legislation, which shall be applicable in all matters not provided for in this legal notice in terms of interpretation, validity and execution. The parties submit to the jurisdiction that may correspond to them by law. If the contractual relationship is formalised between business people, they will expressly submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Valencia to resolve any dispute that may arise in the interpretation or execution of these conditions.